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You're viewing SEGA Superstars Tennis Cheat Codes

Game Name : SEGA Superstars Tennis
System : Nintendo Wii
Date Added : 2007-12-03 15:29:10
Views : 21871

Ball games
Complete the indicated task in Planet Superstars mode to unlock the corresponding ball game.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Puyo Pop FeverComplete "Get A High Score!" on the "Puyo Puyo Fever" stage.
Space HarrierComplete "Get A High Score!" in the "Space Harrier" stage.
Virtua SquadComplete "Get A High Score!" on the "Virtua Squad" stage.

Complete the indicated task in Planet Superstars mode to unlock the corresponding court.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
OutrunComplete Exhibition Doubles in the "Outrun" stage.
Sonic The HedgehogComplete Exhibition Singles in the "Sonic the Hedgehog" stage.

Bonus stages
Complete the indicated task in Superstars mode to unlock the corresponding stage.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Alex KiddComplete "Get A High Score!" in the "Space Harrier" stage.
OutrunComplete "Hit Justice Shots" in the "Virtua Squad" stage.
Space HarrierComplete Tournament Singles in the "Space Channel 5" stage.
Virtua SquadComplete "Hit The Big Zombies!" in the "Curien Mansion" stage.

Bonus characters
Complete the indicated task in Superstars mode to unlock the corresponding character.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Alex KiddComplete Tournament Singles in the "Alex Kidd" stage.
Amy RoseComplete Tournament Singles in the "Sonic The Hedgehog" stage.
Gilius ThunderheadComplete Tournament Singles in the "Golden Axe" stage.
GumComplete "Tournament Doubles" in the "Jet Set Radio" stage.
MeeMeeComplete Tournament Singles in the "Super Monkey Ball" stage.
PuddingComplete Tournament Singles in the "Space Channel 5" stage.
RealaComplete Tournament Singles in the "NiGHTS" stage.
Shadow the HedgehogComplete "Tournament Doubles" in the "Sonic The Hedgehog" stage.

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